- Published: 15th May, 2019
I agree wholeheartedly that visitors to Thailand should have to take out accident insurance and not be allowed to enter Thailand without it. In my view this will help to relieve Thailand's problem of young people renting super bikes and driving recklessly and when drunk. When they have an accident then it's Thailand who has to foot the bill to fix them and send them back to the country they came from and likely to never come back again. So it’s a loss,loss, situation for Thailand through no fault of their own Mandatory long stay retirees insurance, whilst a good idea in principle, it is totally impractical and mostly unworkable. Health insurance is hard to get after 60 and certainly anything after 75 nobody wants to know you. And what about if you come with baggage? Like previous incidents of serious illness, like you are a cancer survivor, or something much simpler but everyone knows a diabetes sufferers Diabetes can affect every part of the human body and if you have a previous pre-condition mention on your insurance of diabetes, it's very likely you will never get paid by an insurance because they will say it's because of diabetes, a pre existing condition) This type of retiree insurance program has been floated before, I remember it the first time over five years ago. Since then it has raised its ugly head three years ago, again last year when big joke was appointed and now this year with the new immigration head appointee. It makes good sense in many ways I myself have been the beneficiary of a recent payment by my health insurance after a long stay in hospital of over 1 million baht Simple fact is that without it and the care of the people at the hospital, I would have been dead weeks ago, but I pay £313 per month with discount for the privilege,it should be over £500. Now whether you can afford to pay for that Level of cover is your choice, but for today and the past months I am very happy I could avoid afford to do so.